Personal Childhood Web
Peggy Young (my aunt)
This person is a warm, quite individual who can light up a room with her smile. She is also wise in the ways of motherhood and life in general. She is a caring individual who thinks of others before herself. That person is my aunt. My aunt had the strongest influence on my life as a child, because she was the primary care-giver for the family. She always had a way of making you feel special whether by baking your favorite cake for Christmas or allowing you to choose one item for yourself while grocery shopping. Things were never easy and we had many struggles, but my aunt always kept a positive attitude even though she may not have known where our next meal was coming from. Her positive attitude and strong determination that we would succeed in life still influence what I do today. When I need uplifting or when I feel like giving up, just a talk with my aunt will bring my spirits up and give me what I need to make any situation better.
Jennett Montgomery (my mother)
This person has a heart of gold. This person’s personality exceeds her character. She spreads sunshine everywhere she goes and onto everyone she encounters. She cares deeply about everyone and she puts herself in a situation to analyze and conquer up a solution for her sisters and brothers struggling with an issue. She has an unselfish nature and caters to the needy whether it is providing services or devoting time with them. She is very well respected within her community. She’s always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. She works diligently on whatever task that is put before her. She inspires teenagers to always be mindful of their actions and sayings. She shows no favoritism, only fairness; and discipline is not a problem. She’s a firm believer in what’s right and wrong; not only was she there during their adolescent years, but she also served as a mentor to them. She serves as an adult model to pattern my life after, without her in my life, there’s no telling where I would be and what path I would have taken in my life. Because of angels like her that has been places here on Earth, people like me and others have a chance of becoming all that we aspire to be and beyond. I take me hat off in honor of her, my mother, Jennett Montgomery.
Willie Young (my grandfather)
A person that has inspired me in my life aside from my mother is my grandfather. I admire him because he took on an additional responsibility when my grandmother passed. Not only that, he has always been the core provider of our family. If it were not for him, I do not think I would have experienced some of the luxuries of life I have experienced. Since I was a child he has always made sacrifices for his family. This inspires me because I want to provide the same stability and protection to my family. He has taught my siblings and me to be independent and sufficient in our lives. I still feel the values and morals he instilled from early childhood in my life today. I want to be the same reliable figure in my child life as my grandfather was to me.
Robert Little (my uncle)
The person that inspired me the most is my Uncle Robert Little. He is the most self-motivated person I know. He has influenced me to be the best in life. There wasn’t anything that he wouldn’t give to me. He really made me feel special because he mentioned to me about my son senior year in High School. He was really concerned about my child’s education and he mentioned to me not to worry about my son senior year, because he was going to take care of all his finance. Unfortunately he passed away on June 4, 2010. Mr. Little was a retired Supervisor from United Postal Services for 35 years and he was a caring and loving person to me. The way that I will continue to impact my present life is that I will keep that memory going. I will take care of my son’s entire finance and continue to uphold my uncle’s will.
Jimmie Lee (my father)
The only person that comes to my mind is my father. My father is the person that has influenced my life the greatest. Being the second daughter made me the child who got the most attention. Though we didn’t have much growing up, my father did the best he could to make sure I wanted for nothing. By my siblings being much older than I am, my father really made me feel special. Being a school teacher, my father impacted my life by showing me that you can be whatever you want to be, no matter what obstacles stand in your way.